Are you a builder, or do you run a small, medium or large construction company in the housing or commercial sectors?
When things go wrong are you covered?
Is your current insurance the best fit for your changing needs?
Do you have any idea what you’re covered for, or if it is enough?
Do you lose sleep worrying about what might happen if a job goes wrong?
Did you know, your jobs can be insured for a wide range of circumstances: including theft, whether that happens on site, in locked premises outside working hours, in locked vehicles (including fixed tool boxes) or trailers.
We’ll insure you for collision damage, malicious damage, storms, floods, cyclones and tsunami, fire and bushfire - even subsidence or landslip At Talos we’ll work with you and our providers to tailor-make a Construction Works Insurance Policy for your circumstances, insuring you against the loss or damage that may occur to your works on the go.
Now that’s peace of mind.
You’re also covered if the work you’ve done is damaged by faulty design, faulty construction plans and specifications, sub-standard materials or workmanship in other sections of the job.
Well find the policy that offers you the best coverage at the most competitive price, no matter what your needs or circumstances. We design specialised insurance plans for both the housing and commercial sectors with flexible policy alternatives based on a specific project or your annual turnover.
Whatever your problem, we’ve got your back. We’ll cover you for plant, equipment and tools on site, works value variations, owner supplied materials and professional fees.
We’ll even cover the debris removal after an insured event. We can cover you for loss or damage to materials in transit. We can cover your loss mitigation and expediting costs, as well as off site storage and fabrication.
Liability claims, especially where someone is injured, can run into millions of dollars. We all know what can happen on a building site and that injuries, even serious ones, can happen despite even the best safety precautions.
Talos can find you the best, most competitive Public and Products Liability Insurance for your business, saving you time and money, and most importantly providing peace of mind.
We can also insure you for property damage, even when it’s your fault, or to defend yourself against a claim.
Whether you’re a construction company, builder or trady, being covered just makes good business sense. And at Talos we’ll negotiate with insurers on your behalf to get the best cover and value Call Talos Insurance and Risk Solutions and sleep well tonight.
We’re on your side.
Contact Talos Insurance and Risk Solutions for further advice.